Alexis Grewan

Clean copy, on time, makes sense.

My services:

  • Copy-editing and proofreading of all types of copy.
  • Academic editing.
  • Writing copy to your needs (professional, personal, profiles, CVs).
  • Compiling and documenting research on your behalf.
  • Medico-legal writing support.

What I do for you:

I copy edit, proofread and write what you need. I have specific expertise in the medico-legal field but I particularly enjoy academic copy-editing of both published and examinable texts. If you need something written in a different context, including online articles, blogs, professional profiles and CVs, I can do this too. You can be assured of high standards of quality. I am committed to professional development which maintains best practice in language convention, and I am reliable and punctual – no compromise.

What you can expect from me:

  • Your copy is clean (free of errors in punctuation and grammar).
  • Your copy makes sense.
  • You save time.
  • Your administrative load is lighter.
  • Your branding and reputation remain intact.
  • Your credibility is upheld.

Contact me here:

Professional registration and membership:

  • SACSSP (South African Council for Social Service Professions)
  • PEG (Professional Editors’ Guild: accredited text editor, full member, national chairperson)

   PEG logo   Logo of the South African Council for Social Service Professions

‘If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.’

(attributed to) Albert Einstein