About me

What I say about me

As a copy editor, proofreader and writing consultant, I am primarily interested in meeting your needs with accuracy and precision. I am an accredited  text editor (ATE) and full member of the Professional Editors’ Guild (PEG). I was chairperson of PEG between 2021 and 2024. I adhere to high standards of practice and remain informed of best practice in the field.

I am ethical, vigilant, disciplined and reliable. I deliver work on time and produce documents that are clear, impartial and accurate. My professional registration speaks to my integrity and commitment to meeting expected outcomes while upholding professional ethics. I am registered with the South African Council of Social Service Professions (SACSSP). My social work and health care qualifications underpin a comprehensive understanding of the context within which I work, even as a copy editor and writing consultant. 

         PEG logo      

What others say about me

I knew I had done a good job as chairperson of PEG, but I was pleasantly surprised to receive unsolicited emails from members that really said something about my character:

‘Three years ago, she took over the reins, and over her term, she developed a vibrant, well-run organisation that grew steadily by 12% over the past two years. She’s developed strong teams in each of the six portfolios, and besides the exco members responsible, scores of volunteers work together to take care of the day-to-day business … Any organisation is only as strong as its leaders, and the leading team is only as strong as the person who holds all the strings together.’

‘I wanted to thank you personally for being the best chair ever – and I have many years of serving on committees and you stand out as being phenomenal. Thank you for all the energy and time you have spent making PEG inclusive and a really professional body to belong to. We’re all proud to be members … You’re also an excellent example of how to step down graciously and gracefully. Well done. You’re abdicating on a high, which is the way to go.’

‘I applaud the transformation and inclusivity conversations and changes that you instigated during your time at the helm, and I’m sure these issues will continue to be priorities for PEG. But mostly, I was so impressed with your determination to ensure a change of guard in the organisation and to provide a way out for those long-term volunteers that had felt they had to stay on in their roles. I find that saying ‘no’ is one of the most difficult things to do in life, especially in our careers – whether it is voluntary or paid work. By showing the PEG community that it is okay to step down and allow others to try their hand at some of the portfolios, you have ensured that new winds will blow through the organisation. It also allows new members to see that they too can put up their hand and contribute to the running of PEG. Thank you, Alexis.’


As a social worker, and subsequently as a reflexologist, I encouraged people to make independent and healthy decisions. I believe individual and societal wellness rests on deliberate management of health at all levels. This belief extends to all activity in which I engage. My writing support services are endorsed by practice in the health care and psychosocial field, directly and indirectly. My qualifications, registration and memberships ensure a professional work ethic and effective communication. I manage client relationships effectively and produce credible documents that maintain the reputation of my clients.


‘Speak with honesty. Think with sincerity. Act with integrity.’

Roy T Bennett

Email me: alexisgrewan@gmail.com